- Ma, Zhenzhong, Dapeng Liang, Kuo-Hsun Yu and Yender Lee (2012), “Most cited business ethics publications: mapping the intellectual structure of business ethics studies in 2001-2008”, Business Ethics: A European Review, Vol. 21, No.3, pp. 286-297. (SSCI)
- Yu, Kuo-Hsun, Yuan-Duen Lee, and Yender McLee (2011), “Evolution of the intellectual of electronic commerce research: an author co-citation analysis”, International Journal of Commerce and Strategy, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 1-24.
- Wang, Tang-Ting, Kuo-Hsun Yu, and Yuan-Duen Lee (2011), “Identifying the critical themes of new product development research from social network perspective”, Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 35-55. (EI)
- Ma, Zhenzhong and Kuo-Hsun Yu (2010), “Research paradigms of contemporary knowledge management studies: 1998-2007”, Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 175-189. (SSCI)
- Yu, Kuo-Hsun, Chia-Hui Ho, and Yuan-Duen Lee (2009), “Mapping the intellectual structure of contemporary business ethics research”, Journal of Information & Optimization Science, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 463-480. (EI)
- Ma, Zhenzhong, Yender Lee, and Kuo-Hsun Yu (2008), “Ten years of conflict management studies: themes, concepts and relationships”, International Journal of Conflict Management, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 234-248. (SSCI)
- Yu, Kuo-Hsun, Zhenzhong Ma,Yuan-Duen Lee, and Yender McLee (2008), “An invisible network of knowledge production in the electronic commerce field: theory and evidence”, Journal of e-Business, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 757-780. (TSSCI)
- Yu, Kuo-Hsun, Yuan-Duen Lee, and Yender McLee (2008), “Human resource management: themes, concepts and relationships”, Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 75-93.
- Yu, Kuo-Hsun, Yuan-Duen Lee, and Yender McLee (2008), “Mapping the intellectual structure of contemporary electronic commerce research”, Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 47-54.
- Yu, Kuo-Hsun, Chia-Hui Ho, and Yender McLee (2008), “Mapping the intellectual structure of technology management studies: 1996-2005”, Journal of Far East, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 203-214.
- Ma, Zhenzhong, Kuo-Hsun Yu, Yender Lee, and Yuan-Duen Lee (2008), “Mapping the intellectual structure of human resource management studies: 1996-2005”, Contemporary Management Research, Vol. 4, No. 4. pp. 375-394.
- 柴康偉、余國訓 (2012),「探討台江國家公園旅遊動機與旅遊滿意度之影響」,遠東學報,第二十九卷,第二期,第81-92頁。
- 余國訓、施佳玫、劉旭山(2004),「平價連鎖休閒服飾店商店形象之研究-以台南市GIODANO及HANG TEN為例」,遠東學報,第二十一卷,第二期,第477-484頁。
- 余國訓、胡怡君 (2002),「台中地區大型量販店服務品質之探討」,遠東學報,第二十卷,第二期,第235-264頁。
- 洪湘欽、余國訓 (2001),「台灣地區ERP實施現況之探討」,遠東學報,第十九卷,第20-25頁。
- 余國訓、洪湘欽、陳建志 (2001),「消費者對連鎖便利商店服務品質需求之探討」,遠東學報,第十九卷,第49-55頁。
- 余國訓、劉旭山、陳建志 (2001),「連鎖便利商店對物流中心服務滿意度之探討」,遠東學報,第十九卷,第71-85頁。
- 余國訓、陳奕龍(2012),「當代企業家精神研究重要主題之呈現-引文分析及共引文分析的應用」,2012 財金會計暨商管決策國際研討會,南台科技大學。(03-23-2012)
- 柴康偉、余國訓、陳竺吟、翁婉馨、郭嘉津 (2012),「台江國家公園旅遊滿意度之研究」,2012商業管理與創新設計研討會,遠東科技大學。(05-18-2012)
- 余國訓 (2011),「描繪衝突管理研究之智慧結構—1980 至2009」,2011台灣商管理論與實務研 討會,遠東科技大學。(05-13-2011)
- 余國訓、林哲宏、陳雯婷、涂俊宇、陳駿印、陳孟謙 (2011),「以科技接受模式探討智慧型手機之使用者採用行為」,2011台灣商管理論與實務研討會,遠東科技大學。(05-13-2011)
- Ma, Zhenzhong, Kuo-Hsun Yu, and Yender Lee (2009), “Business ethics research in the 21st century: Mapping the intellectual structure of business ethics studies in 2001-2008”, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC 2009), Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. (6-06~6-09) (The Best Paper Award)
- Ma, Zhenzhong, Kuo-Hsun Yu, and Yender Lee (2009), “Current research paradigms in knowledge management studies: Themes, concepts and relationships”, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC 2009), Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. (6-06~6-09) (The Honourable Mention Award)
- Yu, Kuo-Hsun, Yuan-Duen Lee, Yender McLee, and I-Chun Kuo (2009), “Exploring the intellectual structure of electronic commerce research from social network perspective”, 2009 International Joint Conferences on e-CASE and e-Technology, Singapore. (1-08~1-10)
- Yu, Kuo-Hsun, Yuan-Duen Lee, Yender McLee, and Lin-Yu Chen (2009), “Ten years of knowledge management Studies: Themes, concepts and relationships”, 2009 International Joint Conferences on e-CASE and e-Technology, Singapore. (1-08~1-10)
- Lee, Yuan-Duen and Kuo-Hsun Yu (2008), “Mapping the intellectual structure of contemporary business research”, The 6th AAOM conference, Taipei, Taiwan. (12-14~12-16)
- Ma, Zhenzhong, Kuo-Hsun Yu, Yuan-Duen Lee, and Yender McLee (2008), “Electronic commerce: Themes, concepts and relationshipa”, The 6th AAOM conference, Taipei, Taiwan. (12-14~12-16)
- Yu, Kuo-Hsun, Ching-Hsien Chiu, Yueh-Yun Wang, and Chia-Hui Ho (2008), “Exploring the knowledge network of electronic commerce research”, 2008 The International Conference on Industrial Globalzation and Technology Innovation, Nanjing. (08-06~08-08)
- Yu, Kuo-Hsun and Yender Lee (2007), “An invisible network of knowledge production of technology management studies: From knowing nothing to knowing something”, Business And Information (BAI 2007), Tokyo, Japan. (07-10~07-13)
- Ma, Zhenzhong, Kuo-Hsun Yu, Yender Lee, and Yuan-Duen Lee (2007), “Mapping the intellectual structure of human resource management studies: 1996-2005”, Business And Information (BAI 2007), Tokyo, Japan. (07-10~07-13)
- Ma, Zhenzhong, Yender Lee, Yuan-Duen Lee, and Kuo-Hsun Yu (2007), “An invisible network of knowledge production: 10 years human resource management studies”, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC 2007), pp. 82-97, Ottawa, Canada. (06-02~06-07)
- 余國訓、劉旭山、柴康偉(2010),「當代組織行為與人類決策研究—主題、觀念與關係」,2010兩岸商管理論與實務研討會,遠東科技大學。(05-12-2010)
- 余國訓、劉旭山、柴康偉 (2010),「運用書目計量學探討企業倫理研究之智慧結構」,2010台灣長榮-企業管理暨經營決策學術研討會,長榮大學。(05-28-2010)
- 余國訓、王堂亭、李元墩(2009),「以社會網絡的觀點探索新產品發展研究之重要主題」,2009年中華商管科技學會年會暨學術研討會,中華商管科技學會、遠東科技大學。(10-23-2009) (佳作論文獎)
- 余國訓、柴康偉、劉旭山 (2009),「以社會網絡的觀點描繪觀光研究之智慧結構」,2009台灣商管理論與實務研討會,遠東科技大學。(05-08-2009)
- 余國訓、周美利、劉旭山(2009),「當代領導研究-主題、觀念與關係」,2009台灣商管理論與實務研討會,遠東科技大學。(05-08-2009)
- 余國訓、何嘉惠、劉旭山(2008),「百貨業顧客忠誠度之探討-以台南地區為例」,2008台灣商管理論與實務研討會,遠東科技大學。(05-09-2008)
- 余國訓、何嘉惠、劉旭山(2008),「高科技產業員工組織承諾之探討—以台南科學工業園區為例」,2008台灣商管理論與實務研討會,遠東科技大學。(05-09-2008)
- 余國訓、楊銘芬、劉旭山 (2007) ,「員工工作滿意度對員工士氣影響之探討-以南科高科技產業為例」,2007台灣商管理論與實務研討會,遠東科技大學,第214-216頁。(05-08-2007)
- 余國訓、何嘉惠、劉旭山 (2006) ,「數位相機市場消費者購買行為之研究」,2006產業運籌與企業經營實務研討會,興國管理學院,第100-107頁。(12-15-2006)
- 余國訓、侯小涵、林靜怡 (2005),「音樂商品市場消費者行為之研究以-大台南大專院校學生為例」,2005工商管理理論與實務研討會,遠東技術學院,第C.19.1-C.19.8頁。(10-07-2005)
- 余國訓、粘孝堉、陳天惠 (2005),「零售業服務品質之探討-以台南市百貨公司為例」,2005工商管理理論與實務研討會,遠東技術學院,第C.20.1-C.20.10頁。(10-07-2005)
- 余國訓、劉旭山2005),「零售業服務品質與顧客忠誠度關係之探討-以大型量販店為例」,2005工商管理理論與實務研討會,遠東技術學院,第C.21.1-C.21.6頁。(10-07-2005)
- 余國訓(2009),「電子商務研究重要主題之呈現-書目計量學的應用」,博士論文,長榮大學。
- 余國訓(1992),「我國高科技產業製造策略之研究-以新竹科學工業園區為例」,碩士論文,交通大學。